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What Does a Pathologist Do?

If you're curious about what a pathologist does, then you should know that pathology has to do with the study of disease. A pathologist is going to study the nature of disease as well as the causes of disease. The purpose of this is to be able to diagnose and treat...

What Are Pathogens?

When most people hear the term “pathogen,” they're going to at least have a surface-level understanding of what it means. You probably know that pathogens are related to disease and that they can be dangerous. What you might not know is exactly what pathogens are....

How the Human Body Makes Energy

There's a good chance that you know that it's necessary to eat food to get energy. That doesn't mean that you know exactly how the human body manages to turn that food into energy so that you can keep on doing what you need to do. Read on to explore more about the...

How Vaccines Work

There has been more talk than ever about vaccines recently with the COVID-19 pandemic having such a huge impact on the world. Most people have a basic understanding of what vaccines are and they know that they're meant to protect people from diseases. However, not...

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Pathology

Digital pathology has become such an important part of many labs around the world. It's best for pathologists to be able to utilize digital techniques to get the most out of samples. You probably already know how useful digital pathology can be, but did you know that...

Exploring Molecular Pathology

Molecular pathology is something that has been getting more attention as of late. Many people have been talking about whether or not molecular pathology will play a huge role in the future of medicine. Many professionals feel that molecular pathology is a key area to...

How Cytopathology Works

If you're familiar with the term cytopathology, then you should know that it is the study of disease at the cellular level. Types of fluid samples, scrapings, and brushings can be used in cytology tests to get data. The cells are examined in these tests to determine...

The Difference Between Good and Bad Bacteria

Have you heard people talking about beneficial bacteria as of late? Sometimes people bring up the concept of good bacteria and bad bacteria when they're eating things such as yogurt. It's true that your body contains many types of beneficial bacteria that help your...

The Limbic System and Emotions

If you have gone through biology class in school, then you're probably at least somewhat familiar with the limbic system. Those who have taken anatomy and physiology courses might have even learned how the limbic system is responsible for various emotions. These...

How Lack of Sleep Affects the Brain

You probably already know that it is recommended for people to get seven or eight hours of sleep at night. Generally, you aren't going to be at your best if you're getting less sleep than your body requires. Not everyone has a firm grasp on what happens to your brain...