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There’s a good chance that you know that it’s necessary to eat food to get energy. That doesn’t mean that you know exactly how the human body manages to turn that food into energy so that you can keep on doing what you need to do. Read on to explore more about the specifics behind energy production in the human body. You’ll likely gain an even greater appreciation for how complex the human body is. 

The Process of Creating Energy

Every single part of your body needs energy to function. If you don’t have energy, then your body is going to completely shut down. This is why you need to eat food to survive and your body can turn that food into energy for you to keep on living. Your body can digest the food that you eat by combining it with your stomach fluids. 

Stomach fluids are types of acids and enzymes that are perfect for breaking down food. During the digestion process, the carbohydrates that you have consumed will be broken down into a type of sugar known as glucose. Your stomach and your small intestine can absorb this glucose and then release it into the bloodstream. Glucose can either be used right away to give you energy or it can be stored in the body to be used at a later time. 

Insulin Creation

Insulin plays a role in your ability to store glucose and this is why insulin is so important. If you don’t have the right insulin levels, then glucose is going to stay in your bloodstream and this will lead to medical complications. Thankfully, most people produce insulin just fine and there are treatments for those with diabetes who need help producing insulin. When your body is able to store energy properly, you’re going to be able to keep the energy stores that you need to thrive as a person. 

This is the basics when it comes to energy creation in the human body. You can now see the important internal processes that have to occur for you to be able to have enough energy to function. It’s very interesting how the human body works to break down food into glucose. This information should also give you a greater appreciation for how imperative insulin is to human survival.